CBSE Admit Card 2025: The Class 10 and 12 admission cards for the 2025 board exams have been made available on the Pariksha Sangam Portal by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Since students cannot access them directly, schools can obtain them by logging in at Exams will start on February 15 and end on March 18 for Class 10 and April 4 for Class 12. The exams will be taken by almost 44 lakh pupils from 8,000 schools in India and overseas. To download the hall passes, schools must adhere to the instructions on the CBSE website.
CBSE Admit Card 2025 class 10 and 12 admit card: The admission cards for the Class 10 and Class 12 final exams have been made available on the Pariksha Sangam Portal by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). To view and download their kids’ admit cards, schools can go to the board’s official website,, and log in.
Students are unable to download the admit cards straight from the board’s website since they can only be accessible by logging in to the school. To acquire the paperwork, they have to visit their individual schools.
On February 15, the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 final examinations are expected to begin. Class 12 examinations will end on April 4, while Class 10 exams will end on March 18. Both tests will start at 10:30 am and be administered in a single shift.
This year, almost 44 lakh students from 8,000 schools in India and abroad will sit for the Class 10 and 12 board exams.
CBSE Admit Card 2025: How to download the CBSE Class 10, 12 admit card for 2025

By following these methods, schools can download the class 10 and 12 admit card from the official website:
- Go to, the Central Board of Secondary Education’s official website.
- Find the Pariksha Sangam Portal link on the site and click on it.
- To move on to the next page after being redirected, click the “Continue” button.
- To view the school-specific information, choose the “Schools (Ganga)” option on the next page.
- Go to the “Pre-Exam Activities” tab to access a variety of exam-related materials.
- To access the admit card download section, click the “Admit Card, Centre Material for Main Exam 2025” link under this tab.
- After entering the necessary login information (password and school code), click to get your pupils’ admit cards.
Direct link to download CBSE Board class 10, 12 hall tickets is provided here.
Parents, students, and school administrators are encouraged to visit the Board’s official website to stay up to speed on the most recent information regarding the test.